Scientific Working Groups


Welcome to our gateway for Scientific Working Groups. Meetings will be added as they are scheduled. If you are interested in joining a working group, please email

The San Diego Center for AIDS Research (SD CFAR) currently has one Scientific Working Group (SWG), which focuses on activities related to the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative. The SWG's objectives include expanding research through partnerships with city, county and state implementing partners; engaging a broad range of scientific experts from the four EHE pillars to participate in regular EHE meetings; and educating and training early career and established investigators who conduct EHE research.

Planned services of the EHE SWG include the following:

  • Extend SWG membership to all 7 EHE priority jurisdictions in Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada.

  • Convene twice yearly SWG planning meetings to identify new priority areas of HIV research. The goal is to select future SWG focus areas with well-defined deliverables that address NIH OAR priorities and meet our Center member’s needs.

  • Engage early career and established investigators who conduct EHE research in SWG activities.

  • Use monthly SWG meetings to refine EHE grant proposals and disseminate research findings across the four EHE pillars (prevent, diagnose, treat, and respond).

  • Facilitate new collaborations to support cutting-edge EHE research.

  • Use SWG activities to create an environment of open scientific exchange and brainstorming.

  • Create and support opportunities for early career investigators to present and develop their EHE research ideas. This will be accomplished in part by linking early career investigators to established investigators who are strongly positioned to guide them in their research and in their transition to independence.

For more information about the EHE SWG and our previous SWGs, please click the links to the right.

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At a Glance