Funding and Training


 Q: Where can I find funding for my international research?

A: The Web sites below may help you find funding opportunities appropriate to your research goals.

Q: What is the difference between a San Diego CFAR International Pilot Grant and a Developmental Grant?

A: Both grants are intended primarily for junior-level faculty (assistant professors), and secondarily for more advanced faculty who are moving into HIV research or exploring a novel concept in HIV research. Applications for both types of grants are evaluated by expert reviewers who are familiar with the subject matter. Aside from these similarities, the grants are quite different.  This table  compares the two grants.

Q. Which San Diego CFAR grant can my foreign colleagues apply for?


A: If your foreign colleagues are based in Brazil, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mozambique, South Africa, or Ukraine, and if they and their research projects meet the requirements for CFAR International Pilot grants, they are welcome to apply.


Q: I work at UC San Diego and want to do research in a foreign country. What San Diego CFAR grants can I apply for?
A: If you want to do the research yourself, if most of the funding will remain at UC San Diego, and if foreign colleagues will only have a supporting role in your project, consider a Developmental grant.

Q: Are there any countries in which UC San Diego investigators are not allowed to do research?

A: An NIH standard operating procedure describes requirements and limitations for working with international investigators. Please keep these NIH guidelines in mind as you prepare your grant proposal because they may affect your research plans.

A small number of countries have U.S. trade embargoes, which means U.S. companies are prohibited from buying and selling services in these nations. The list changes frequently. For full details, the most reliable and  most detailed source is the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Q: What international HIV research is ongoing now at UC San Diego?

A: We presently have contacts with investigators in the following countries: Brazil, Mexico, Mozambique, and Ukraine. Contact the International Core of the San Diego Center for AIDS Research for more information.

Q: What international research opportunities are available for students, residents, and fellows?

A: Second- and third-year medical residents may apply for a global medicine elective in Mozambique. The UC San Diego International Center may also have some recommendations for you.

At a Glance