Introductory Symposium May 2016


On May 4, 2016, a symposium was held at UC San Diego about the importance of including community members and service organizations in academic HIV research. Community involvement is an essential part of the San Diego CFAR Disparities Core! This means YOU and any organizations that help you.

Speakers included Dr. Erin Falvey, Executive Director of Christie's Place, and Dr. Jeannette Aldous, Clinical Director of Infectious Diseases for San Ysidro Health Center.

This symposium was hosted by the San Diego CFAR and the HIV Prevention Scientific Working Group.

Read the speakers' biographies.

View slides from Dr. Falvey about services for women, children and families affected by HIV at Christie's Place.

View slides from Dr. Aldous about HIV medical care at San Ysidro Health Center.

At a Glance