


Successful applicants are required to attend onboarding meetings to learn the requirements and responsibilities of managing a Developmental grant. Mentors and fund managers are welcome to attend, but not required. Details will be shared with applicants and their mentors around the time the awards are announced. The following responsibilities and requirements will be reviewed during the onboarding meetings.



Regulatory approvals are required for Developmental grants that involve vertebrate animals, human resarch participants, or the participants' data and/or specimens.

If your Developmental grant application concerns a study that requires approval by an Institutional Animal Care Use Committee (IACUC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB), you are encouraged, but not required, to submit the study for approval before applying for your Developmental grant. These approvals often take several weeks. If your application is funded, you will not be allowed to spend the award until you email a copy of the approval notice to the Developmental Core.

If you receive a supplemental award, you must renew these approvals per your institution's requirements and send copies of the renewal notices to the Developmental Core.



Developmental grant recipients are responsible for managing their project's funding.

You are responsible for working with your departmental fund manager to manage the award. If any funds are left over at the end of your award period, they will be returned to the Developmental Core. If you overspend, you must refund the Core. If you have any questions, please contact us.



If you are based at UC San Diego, a chart string will be established for your Developmental grant. Contact your department's fund manager if you need information on how to work with this system.

If you are based at one of our member institutions, we will set up a subcontract with your institution. Your department's fund manager will be your best source of information for dealing with the subcontract because every institution handles them differently.

FUNDS MAY BE DELAYED if you don't submit requested information or IACUC/IRB renewals on time!



The SD CFAR Administrative Core issues monthly financial reports. Please review these reports carefully to ensure accurate reporting and to avoid overspending or underspending. You may also wish to have your department's fund manager review the reports with you.

What to do if you receive independent funding for a project currently supported by a Developmental grant.

If you receive independent NIH or equivalent institutional funding for research that is currently supported by an SD CFAR Developmental grant, congratulations! Please notify the SD CFAR Developmental Core immediately so that funds allocated to your grant can be returned to the SD CFAR. NIH regulations prohibit simultaneous funding.



Developmental grant recipients are required to provide information for annual CFAR progress reports.

The SD CFAR is required to submit annual progress reports to the NIH to document our efforts and secure the next year's funding.

We will ask you to provide at minimum an initial and a final one-page update for our annual NIH progress report. We will also ask you to provide information about any human research participants enrolled in your study, copies of IRB/ethics approvals, any new collaborations with other investigators or research teams, and updated lists of publications and subsequent awards that resulted from your Developmental grant. 

Please acknowledge the Developmental Core in all abstracts, publications, and presentations that result from your SD CFAR grant. We will contact you annually to ask if you presented any abstracts or had manuscripts accepted related to your grant.  We will also ask if you have received any grants as a result of the work completed in your SD CFAR Developmental grant. Please email a link to paper as soon as it is available. All SD CFAR-supported papers must be deposited in PubMed Central. See Cite the CFAR!



Please read about Research Unplugged, which are regularly scheduled, casual presentations that encompass four different tracks. You will be expected to present your research as a work-in-progress and to attend as many meetings as possible while your grant is active. These are great opportunities to network and learn about SD CFAR services that can contribute to your study.

At a Glance