Developmental Grants


Designed to mentor and support new investigators
and new ideas in HIV/AIDS research






Since 1994, the Core has awarded 227 Developmental grants representing $12.1 million in funding (total costs). To date, our Developmental grant recipients have earned $296 million in subsequent grant funding and produced more than 1,380 publications based on their San Diego CFAR-supported research.


Dr. Nadejda Beliakova-Bethell received two SD CFAR Developmental grants and now has her own independent funding. Check out this video in which she describes working with her mentor and preparing a grant application.


The SD CFAR Administrative Core will host virtual office hours to assist applicants with their Developmental grant submissions. Visit the Application  link for office hours. Feel free to email any questions to


The Developmental grant program is designed to mentor and support new investigators and new ideas in HIV research. Submissions are accepted from early stage (pre-R01) investigators.  Established (post-R01) investigators may only apply if they are new recruits to our member institutions. Applications are accepted twice each year, typically due on February 1 and August 1, or the next business day if either date falls on a weekend or holiday. Developmental grant applicants may submit only one Developmental grant application per cycle for a maximum of $50,000. SDSU ASSET fellows based at our member institutions may apply for Developmental grants between $30,000 - $60,000.


See Eligibility and Restrictions for more information. But in general:  

  • Early stage investigators without R01 or equivalent NIH funding will be eligible for Developmental grant funding.

  • Early stage investigators enrolled in SDSU's ASSET Program are welcome to apply for Developmental grants! ASSET fellows' primary academic appointments must be at SD CFAR member institutions. We welcome applications addressing an HIV research priority and an intersecting aspect of addiction science.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Possess a doctoral-level degree and have an academic appointment at or above the Assistant Professor level or equivalent at one of our member institutions.
  • Address at least one of the NIH Office of AIDS Research Priorities.
  • If you plan to request assistance from SD CFAR service cores, contact SD CFAR service cores at least 4 weeks prior to your submission to discuss assistance needed.
  • Early stage (pre-R01) investigators must identify a mentor prior to submission of the proposal and for the duration of the project, if funded. Exceptions may be made for newly recruited senior investigators, yet even they may find a mentor to be quite helpful. Go to Resources and Mentoring for more information.


Applications are accepted through REDCap. Please visit the Application Procedures page for details. 

If you would like to begin working on your application, you may download the application forms here. OR you may start your application process through REDCap.

At a Glance