

You may request up to US$50,000 (direct costs) in your San Diego CFAR International Pilot grant application. At least half the proposed budget—preferably more—should be intended to support HIV research at an institution in one of our seven focus countries.

Direct and Indirect Costs

Your budget should list direct costs only. If your application is funded, the SD CFAR will pay for indirect costs (overhead). The NIH restricts international indirect costs to no more than 8% of direct costs.

For example, if $25,000 of direct costs are intended for an international institution, we will be allowed to pay that institution a maximum of $2,000 for indirect costs.


International Pilot grants cannot support postdoctoral fellows. Graduate students may only be supported if (a) they are not paid more than postdoctoral fellows at their home institution (international site or SD CFAR member institution), and (b) they have a tuition remission salary.


The budget may include travel between San Diego and the international investigator's institution or other destinations as deemed essential. Travel between countries must be well-justified in the application. Pilot grants may be used to support travel for unfunded junior investigators to a scientific meeting to present the results of their San Diego CFAR International Pilot grant.


If desktop, laptop, or tablet computers are needed for your project, they must be purchased within the first six months of the award period.

Funding Date and Award Duration

Pilot grants awarded by the San Diego CFAR are funded for up to one calendar year from the funding dateThis is the date on which the NIH approves the application and allows us to spend funds in support of your research. If you have questions, please contact us.

Fund Management and Other Responsibilities of Successful Applicants

Successful applicants have several responsibilities, including fund management. Please see our responsibilities page and contact us if you have any questions.

At a Glance