International Grant Help and Resources






Do you want to apply for an International Pilot Grant or a Developmental Grant with international involvement?
Learn the difference by clicking



  • Do you conduct international HIV research? Would you like to do so?

  • Do you have questions about in-country requirements?

  • Are you outside the U.S. and needing to collaborate with a U.S.-based HIV scientist?

  • Are you an SD CFAR member seeking new opportunities for HIV research in other countries?

Whether you are applying for a San Diego CFAR International Core Pilot grant or have recently been awarded one of these grants, the San Diego CFAR can help you with your research. Members of our International Core Leadership team have conducted HIV research outside the U.S. for many years. Together with our Advisory Board, we offer more than 60 years of international research experience. Feel free to contact us any time via



Identifying a SD CFAR Collaborator early in your grantwriting process is strongly suggested. Your Collaborator can advise you on a number of items, from the technical details of your study to IRB/ethics approvals to preparing your NIH-formatted biosketch. Please contact if you need assistance identifying a Collaborator and/or please review the list of current and past SD CFAR collaborators for each country provided here.



Don't forget our virtual office hours, scheduled before each International Pilot grant due date! Until then, please email your questions anytime to

The Zoom link for either day can be accessed HERE

  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 8:00 - 9:00 am Pacific Time
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 8:00 am - 9:00 am Pacific Time



The SD CFAR cores provide a variety of services, often for free or at reduced costs to SD CFAR grant recipients.  If you require help from our SD CFAR Cores, PLEASE CONTACT THEM NO LESS THAN 4 WEEKS BEFORE THE APPLICATION DUE DATE.

Fill out a service request to connect with an expert biostatistician or mathematical modeler.




Copy with any correspondence with our Core Representatives:


Contact these Core Representatives If you plan to use these services:

Sonia Jain, PhD

Natasha Martin, DPhil

Fill out a service request to connect with an expert biostatistician or mathematical modeler.

Biostatistics and Modeling Core

Examples: pre-award grant support (power, sample size, statistical considerations); experimental design and analysis; observational studies (e.g., cohort, case-control); epidemic modeling of HIV and co-infections; health economic evaluations

See this BAM CORE short video. Please note, while the consultation is free, you will need to budget for BAM Core services if you would like them to perform any of the analyses or modeling in your project.

Maile Karris, MD

Clinical Investigation Core

Examples: specimen collection, IRB, clinical database access, REDCap database design, participant recruitment, clinical and translational study design

Jamila Stockman, PhD, MPH

Eileen Pitpitan, PhD


Examples: population recruitment and retention; behavioral-type research; survey development; grant preparation assistance; Community Advisory Board guidance; mentorship of junior investigators

SD CFAR Administrative Core

The Administrative Core will refer your questions to the appropriate contacts.

International Core

Examples: guidance on budgets and justifications, referrals to international sites or partners, regulatory guidance, information on shipping/receiving specimens, memoranda of understanding

Nadejda Beliakova Bethell, PhD

Jennifer Dan, MD, PhD

Molecular and Cellular Immunology Core–Flow Cytometry

Examples: consultation on experimental design and panel development; cell sorting; biohazardous cell sorting; data acquisition for analysis; training

David Looney, MD

Molecular and Cellular Immunology Core—Genomics

Examples: nucleic acid isolation, quantification and quality control; quantification of gene expression using real-time quantitative qPCR technology and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR); single cell separation and sequencing, next generation sequencing, bioinformatics

Dennis Burton, PhD

Bryan Briney, PhD

Jennifer Dan, MD, PhD

Molecular and Cellular Immunology Core—Single-cell –Omics

Examples: Sequencing (Illumina Nova and Next Seq, ONT Minion and P2), 10X genomics (5’ or 3’ chemistry, HT or standard, multiple addons), data analysis (adaptive sampling, post-run basecalling, CellRanger processing)

Sara Gianella, MD

Translational Virology Core

Examples: clinical specimen processing and storage, HIV genotyping, nucleic acid extractions, viral quantification, next generation sequencing, BSL-3 access, data processing




































International Operations Manual for NIAID Research Awards

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which funds all Centers for AIDS Research, has published an operations manual for international institutions to help them apply for and manage NIAID funding. The procedures in this manual are more applicable to larger NIAID awards than our International Pilot grants. We will be developing instructions and videos specifically for SD CFAR awards. Meanwhile, feel free to download Word or PDF versions of this manual for your international institution's grants management team.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

At a Glance