
The San Diego Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) is becoming a regional resource in HIV research and education. Established in 1994 by a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the CFAR has served laboratory scientists, clinicians, and the public for over two decades.

We presently have nine service areas, or cores, that offer unique laboratory and clinical resources. We also offer several internal grants throughout the year and sponsor scientific seminars on various topics of HIV and co-sponsor seminars on global health with an emphasis on HIV. Most of our seminars are open to the public, and some of our speakers allow us to post their slides for downloading.

Our Center is managed by an Executive Committee, an External Advisory Committee, and an administrative team. Although the Committees set the course for our Center, we also appreciate constructive suggestions from our members.

Full CFAR membership is open to faculty members at UC San Diego and five other local research institutions. Community membership is available to staff at our institutions and to anyone with an interest in HIV research. We have community members as far away as Nigeria and India. Please see our membership page for more information.

We invite you to explore our site, review our core facilities, our grant applications, and our news. And, of course, we welcome your membership and support. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Learn more about the Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and all supporting NIH Institutes here.

Contact Us


Email is the best way to reach us. Please email us at cfar@ucsd.edu.

Mailing Address:

San Diego Center for AIDS Research

University of California San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0716

La Jolla, CA 92093-0716

Land Acknowledgment
The San Diego CFAR holds great respect for the land and the original people of the area where our Center is located. The University of California San Diego was built upon the unceded territory of the Kumeyaay Nation. Today, the Kumeyaay people continue to maintain their political sovereignty and cultural traditions as vital members of the San Diego community. We are honored to share this space with them and we thank them for their stewardship of Mat Kulaaxuuy / Eng: La Jolla, CA.