Acknowledge the Core


If work performed for you at the San Diego CFAR Translational Virology Core results in publication, please acknowledge us with the following statement and please e-mail a PDF of your publication to the Core Administrator: 

This work was performed with the support of the Translational Virology Core at the San Diego Center for AIDS Research (P30 AI036214).


Faculty and Staff of the Translational Virology Core please use the following acknowledgement statement for our publications: 

This work was supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs and grants from the National Institutes of Health:

DK131532 (R01 Smith Gut); AI169609 (P01 Smith HOME); DA047039 (R33 Smith Opioid); AI036214 (Smith CFAR); AI170254 Sub PH000875A (Smith Harvard Pilgrim); DA059551 Sub SC-00085 CF Restrict (Smith Gladstone); AI164570 (Gianella Delaney Collaboratory); AI147821 (Gianella CMV Replication); DA051915 (Gianella Avenir HOME); AI164559 (Gianella HOPE Collaboratory); AI181655 (Gianella Menopause); AI155680 (Gianella UC Davis Sub); DK131497 (Gianella Duke Sub); AI068636 (Gianella UCLA A5341S); AI068636 Fixed (Gianella UCLA A5383); AI106701 (Gianella UCLA VSL); MH136852 (Gianella Jiang Latency); AI186609 (Gianella Jiang Histone); DA055491 (R01 Chaillon Myeloid Cells); OD026565 (K01 LaMere Epigenomics); H24BD7868 (LaMere CHRP); NS137852 (LaMere RO1); H24BD7837 (Mattia CHRP); AI007384 (HOPE T32 Training); MH062512 (Heaton HNRC); CA023100 (Lippman Cancer Support); U24MH100928 (NeuroAIDS Tissue); UL1TR001442 (ACTRI).

The following also provided support:
The James B. Pendleton Charitable Trust.
This research was supported by AMED under Grant Number JP243fa627003.

At a Glance