Location and Contact


Clinical Investigation Core faculty and staff are closely associated with two UC San Diego HIV treatment facilities. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

AntiViral Research Center (AVRC)

220 Dickinson Street, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92103-8208
Phone: 619-543-8080
Fax: 619-543-5066
Email: m1young@ucsd.edu

The AVRC is behind the UC San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest.

Owen Clinic

4168 Front Street, Third Floor
San Diego, CA 92103
Telehone: (619) 543-3995
Fax: (619) 543-7841 
Email: cbhicks@ucsd.edu

The Owen Clinic is on the third floor of the Ambulatory Care Center (ACC).

At a Glance

AntiViral Research Center

220 Dickinson Street,
Suite A San Diego,
CA 92103-8208
