Nucleic Acid Quantification and Quality Control


Quantification.  The NanoDrop One and Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer are available for quantification of nucleic acids and proteins.

Quality control / quantification. The Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 and TapeStation 2200 are available for sample quality control and quantification of nucleic acids. Warning: nucleic acid concentrations produced as part of Bioanalyzer/Tape Station output are less accurate than those obtained by NanoDrop and Qubit, though can be used as estimates of the concentrations of your samples.


Service CFAR members Others
NanoDrop One $60/hour $90/hour
Qubit 2.0 free self use Contact the Core
Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 $10/sample (6 minimum) $15/sample (6 minimum)
Tape Station 2200 free self use Contact the Core

*Pricing is for non-profit institutions only. "For-profit" corporations should contact the Core for pricing. Price may vary because actual price depends on number of samples. Sample quantification requires a half-hour minimum charge.

At a Glance